Tabbladen / Tabs

zaterdag 4 mei 2013

Zendala #56

For a long time I'm planning to join the Zendala Dare but I never found the time for it.
This weekend I have plenty time, so here's my Zendala.
I really enjoyed it and hope to do it more often in the future.

11 opmerkingen:

  1. Great job! Good choice of elements and arrangement. Above all,it's fun to look at! :D

  2. This is beautiful! I love how rounded everything looks. Glad you joined the Dares!

  3. Nice job. The shading definitely achieves a rounded perspective.

  4. Prachtig! Hoe is het je in hemelsnaam gelukt het zwart ook echt zwart te krijgen?

  5. Oh stupid, I did not read the challenge well, and I made the Zendala with Sakura pen in stead of pencil.
    Sorry !!!

  6. Och ja kan gebeuren. Maarpen of niet ik vind je schaduwen erg goed. In het yin yang teken vind ik dst heel goed naar voren komen. Er zit veel diepte in en ik het nodigt. ( mij in elk geval ) uit om het te aaien.

  7. I really like this one pen or no pen design is nice

  8. LOL, Mariet, your comment explains how you managed such glorious contrast. Nevertheless, it's a lovely zendala with beautiful choice of tangles.

  9. This is a beautiful zendala with super lines, it would still look as lovely in pencil.

  10. Wow, very beautiful! Such strong images - I 'specially love your ying/yang in the center!

  11. Beautiful zendala! I was so impressed that you achieved this with only pencil, but then saw that you used a pen. No matter, it's still gorgeous.
