Tabbladen / Tabs

zondag 26 mei 2013

Zendala Dare #59

A great Dare, only the patterns I used are so tiny that It gave me a painful hand.
And as always I don't stop in time so I should not complain.
( I think some of you will recognize this)

But I'm happy with the result.

9 opmerkingen:

  1. Wow, I can see how this would give you pains in your hand, especially if you did the large one, which it looks like you did. It sure turned out beautiful, though!

  2. Inderdaad heel bewerkelij, maar het resultaat mag er dan ook zijn!!!!

  3. amazing work! I love what you created.

  4. Idd een werk met veel kleine patroontjes die wel heel mooi zijn uitgevoerd. Het lijkt wel een bloembed met heeeeeel veeeel kiezelsteentjes.

  5. It is great! I can see how you may need a break for your hand though.

  6. That certainly would have taken a lot of patience. It was worth it for sure. Nicely done.

  7. Very nice! I really like your shading in the center and how well-balanced your dark and lights are in the zendala. Pretty work!

    Be creative and be happy!
    Jacque Solomon

  8. Like the shading and all the tipple. I think it is hard to do that many.
