Tabbladen / Tabs

maandag 27 januari 2014

Challenge # 152

Trying out the new official tangle "Aquafleur"

donderdag 23 januari 2014

Challenge #151 and Zendala Dare #88

Maybe a little late this week.
It has been busy at work, but now I'm free for the rest of the week.
Here my contributions for this week.

                   Challenge # 151

                   Zendala Dare # 88

woensdag 15 januari 2014

Challenge #150

The word for all of us Tanglers we will use this new year will be:

maandag 13 januari 2014

Zendala Dare # 87

Did not make the last 2 or 3 Zendala Dare's because of my tennis elbow, but I'm carefully trying again.
And such a lovely template this week.
Here's my contribution.

dinsdag 7 januari 2014

Challenge # 149

Jammergenoeg heb ik deze week erg weinig tijd, maar toch heel even zitten tekenen.

                    A Happy New Year to all of you !

donderdag 2 januari 2014

Best wishes for 2014 to all of my Tangling friends !

Zendala Dare # 85
For the Zendala Dare #85 I made this.
It has been a struggle to find out how to do this one.
This is my third attempt.