Tabbladen / Tabs

maandag 13 januari 2014

Zendala Dare # 87

Did not make the last 2 or 3 Zendala Dare's because of my tennis elbow, but I'm carefully trying again.
And such a lovely template this week.
Here's my contribution.

11 opmerkingen:

  1. Oh dear, sorry you've been in pain, hope things are improving. It was a lovely Zendala this week and I do like your tangles in this one. Really lovely, Mariet. Axxx

  2. Weer erg mooi Mariët! Mooi dat het wat 'zachter' wordt naar de buitenste rand toe.
    Lastig zo'n tennis elleboog, fijn dat het blijkbaar al wat beter gaat.

  3. Sorry to hear about your elbow. Lovely zendala!

  4. Prachtig geworden en beterschap met je elleboog!

  5. I´m so sorry about your pains in your arm... get well soon!
    Your zendala is wonderful! I like your choice of tangles!

  6. Very nice! The center is op art style and the outer two are especially done well!
    Slow stretches for your arm!

  7. Very nice to see such a beautiful Zendala, but do be careful not to push it.

  8. Ik vind het middenstuk heel bijzonder. Knap gedaan met pijn in je arm, Mariet.
    Sterkte en beterschap!

  9. I like your Brayd around the outer edge. The one next to it provides a nice contrast in style.

  10. Very nice Zendala, Mariet. I like the tangles that you used, and the negative space is very effective.
