Tabbladen / Tabs

woensdag 10 januari 2018

Challenge # 346

The first challenge from The Diva Laura Harms in 2018
And the challenge is to draw a duo tangle of Phi-cops vs. Huggins
After my third attempt (difficult combination) I am OK with the result.

9 opmerkingen:

  1. Nou ondanks je strubbels ( ik vond de combi ook lastig) vind ik de jouwe toch mooi gelukt. Sierlijk en apart!

  2. Lovely work! I Love how you combined these two.

  3. A very pretty way to combine the two tangles! Beautiful!

  4. Ja, ondanks de lastige combinatie, heb jij er iets heel bijzonders van weten te maken!

  5. What a pretty combination - I love it!

  6. Very lovely! Your composition is wonderful. These are two patterns that I find very difficult to combine;-)

  7. I love the whole design composition! The way you finished the long ends of the Huggins and left ribbons trailing!💕
