Tabbladen / Tabs

dinsdag 25 september 2018

Challenge #369

For this week we should draw Orbs.
However I love to draw circkels I found this a dificult challenge.
I drew the first one surrounded by Poke root, and played with shadows in the orbs.
The second one with only Poke root with a few leafs.

9 opmerkingen:

  1. I took two runs at this one, too. I like your teeny tiny orbs in the second tile. They count, right??? ;)

  2. Both these tiles are very lovely Mariet. I like your use of Pokeroot as your orbs. Very good idea.

  3. Allebei mooi, maar de tweede spreekt mij meer aan. Er gaat rust vanuit, althans dat is wat ik voel. En .... dat je kritiek vorige week opbouwend was weet ik hoor. Waardeer dat juist erg :-)

  4. Oh my! these are both so elegant and soothing.

  5. Both tiles are fabulous! Especially I like your elegant Pokeroote.
