Tabbladen / Tabs

zondag 16 juni 2019

Zendala Moments #06

Yesterday was the 15th of the month, time for the Zendala Moments of june.
Annette again gave us a wonderful template to make the Zendala.
Thank you Annette, this one made my day today.
While my husband is following the 24 hours of Le Mans on TV I can go on and on with my drawing.
Love to have plenty time for it.
So here's my contribution for this months Zendala Moments.

4 opmerkingen:

  1. Your Zendala in its beautiful flowery composition is a wonderful summer impression in friendly colors. The viewer feels transported into a beautiful garden.

  2. Looks like a summer meadow - love it!!!

  3. Zoals mijn voorgangsters al schreven: echt een zomer zendala. Mooi, zoals je lijnen geweven hebt!
